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Tom is located at:

Southampton Office
Mountbatten House
Grosvenor Square
SO15 2JU
DX: 96882


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Tom acts for a range of clients including residential (including retirement housing) and commercial developers on a broad range of contentious and non-contentious planning matters.  He has significant experience dealing with complex s106 agreements, strategic application, and appeal advice, judicial review challenges in the High Court, community infrastructure levy issues, environmental impact assessments, and compulsory purchase.

Additionally, Tom also advises on nutrient neutrality, s278/38 highway agreements, and statutory information requests pursuant to the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Tom qualified as a solicitor in 2022. He has wide experience acting for an ambitious local planning authority on a range of planning matters. In addition to providing advice on complex planning obligation agreements, he also regularly attended and advised planning committees.

Tom is a member of the Compulsory Purchase Association.

Recent work

  • Advising a local planning authority in respect of s106 agreement regulating the significant expansion of an airport.
  • Advising on a material change of use to a large sui generis site associated with the accommodation of workers for the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant.
  • Providing strategic planning appeal advice and drafting a complex s106 agreement to successfully secure a sizable residential development.
  • Advising in respect of a Compulsory Purchase Order leading to a public inquiry.

Get in touch with Tom Etherton
