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Call Dee 

01202 786256

Specialist Services

Employment & HR Employment
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Dee is located at:

Bournemouth Office
Russell House
Oxford Road
DX: 7623


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Very prompt service. Highly recommend.
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via Review Solicitors
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Very friendly service. Good sounds advice dealt with in a timely manner. Close quote
via Review Solicitors
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Dee was friendly and informative, she explained everything clearly and always took my feelings into account.Close quote
via Review Solicitors

Dee has experience advising and representing employees and employers on a wide variety of employment issues.

Dee has acted for clients in IT, utilities, education and retail sectors. Dee’s approach is to provide clear, pragmatic advice either to enable clients to confidently deal with matters directly or act on their behalf.

Dee trained in London with a niche employment practice before moving to the south coast where she has worked for regional and local legal practices.

Recent work

  • Drafting and advising on contracts of employment, service agreements, policies and procedures
  • Advising on handling flexible working requests, grievance and disciplinary processes and preparing supporting documentation
  • Handling redundancy processes and drafting accompanying documentation
  • Advising on, as well as preparing settlement agreements
  • Advising on employment obligations/TUPE for business sales and purchases.
  • Advising on sex; and sexual orientation, race; religion or belief; age; disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity and gender reassignment discrimination

Get in touch with Dee Woodcock
